Feedback Received                                     << Back

Dear C.Venkataramanaiah ,

Congratulation for your mission. I strongly feel that political polarization has caused more damage to our nation . This damage could be mitigated if we take the following steps:

1) Divide the nation into two groups, namely HAVE and HAVE NOT.

2) First group must take responsibility for upliftment of the second group.

3) All political parties should be banned who propagate and use religion and castes for their vested interest.


As an individual I follow the above mentioned theory. Informatively currently I am practicing law at the high court at Calcutta. Please let me know if I can be of any use to your Trust.


Warm Regards,

Ranjan Laskar, 1977-79 batch.


----- Original Message -----

From: chekuru venkataramanaiah


Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 2:15 PM

Subject: Feedback on MSMT and Patronage


  Dear Friends,
                I am C.Venkataramanaiah belonging to the PGP (74 -76). I have about 30 years of Senior Managerial Experience including CEO Resposibilities, in service teaching (MDPS), Industry promotion, Consulting and Entrepreneurship. I have been doing Research in Societal Management. I would like to share some of my views and seek feedback and patronizing. In these days of MP’s Corruption, Corruption all around us, Violence, Mistrust and Social disorder,  we have to look for alternatives. Attached is an alternative. Please share with others, give feedback and patronize.

C.Venkataramanaiah PGP (74 -76),
(M): 9346619385.